Randomly Shelves or Something

Suzie Eisfelder

My brilliantly aptly distractingly named new series continues. Where I randomly select two books from my shelves and attempt to find a link. I do not promise it will be a good link, only that it will be a link. It might be anything at all. One thing I do promise is that the link will not be due to the books both containing words such as ‘and’ or ‘the’, although having said that it’d be really awesome to now find two books totally missing both of those words.

The books I chose last week were My Side of the Mountain by Jean George and The Golden Wolf by Mary Elwyn Patchett. Stay tuned to find out if I’ve actually got a link.

The Books

My Side of the Mountain is one of my all-time favourite books from my childhood. I shed some tears while writing a few words about Jean George when she died in 2012. The book is all about Sam who runs away to the Catskills Mountains. I’ve given you a link to this book, but there are sequels and you can buy all three at once.

The Golden Wolf is another childhood favourite. Patchett used to write dingo and brumby fiction. This is just one of such books, but she also wrote some science fiction which I’ve not read.

The Link

The link today is fairly obvious to me. Both protagonists run away from home. In My Side of the Mountain Sam runs away to become self-sufficient while in The Golden Wolf Mary runs away to rescue her dog from kidnappers.

Next Week!

Next week we have two books which look very similar in the first instance. The Fountains of Paradise by Arthur C. Clarke and Tron by Brian Daley. I am now one more week closer to have done this series for a year. I’m very tempted to give up at week 52 and find something else to write about. Sometimes links just hit me in the brain cells, other times I’m drawing them out of absolutely nothing.

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