Randomly Shelves or Something

Suzie Eisfelder

My brilliantly aptly distractingly named new series continues. Where I randomly select two books from my shelves and attempt to find a link. I do not promise it will be a good link, only that it will be a link. It might be anything at all. One thing I do promise is that the link will not be due to the books both containing words such as ‘and’ or ‘the’, although having said that it’d be really awesome to now find two books totally missing both of those words.

The books I chose last week were Here’s Luck by Lennie Lower and Arthur Daley’s Guide to Doing it Right! by Leon Griffiths. Stay tuned to find out if I’ve actually got a link.

The Books

Here’s Luck was one of only two books written by Lennie Lower. It started as a best seller and is still sold today. It’s set in Sydney during the depression years.

Arthur Daley’s Guide to Doing it Right! is written from the point of view of Arthur Daley, the sharply dressed Londoner who skirted the edge of the law. Daley needed a minder in order to do business, someone with muscles who wasn’t afraid to use them. We might call him a little dodgy. It’s a tongue in cheek guide to doing business the Arthur Daley method.

The Link

I do actually have a link here. As I see it both books embody the comedy of their particular country in their era. Lower depicts Australian comedy from the 1930s. Things do change and what were once seen as comedy are now cringeworthy.

Next Week!

Next week we have two books from my childhood. My Side of the Mountain by Jean George and The Golden Wolf by Mary Elwyn Patchett. I am now one more week closer to have done this series for a year. I’m very tempted to give up at week 52 and find something else to write about. Sometimes links just hit me in the brain cells, other times I’m drawing them out of absolutely nothing.

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