Randomly Shelves or Something

Suzie Eisfelder

My brilliantly aptly distractingly named new series continues. Where I randomly select two books from my shelves and attempt to find a link. I do not promise it will be a good link, only that it will be a link. It might be anything at all. One thing I do promise is that the link will not be due to the books both containing words such as ‘and’ or ‘the’, although having said that it’d be really awesome to now find two books totally missing both of those words.

The books I chose last week were Freelancing in the Creative Industries by Karen le Rossignol and Claire Rosslyn Wilson and Verandah Volume Nine. Stay tuned to find out if I’ve actually got a link.

The Books

Freelancing in the Creative Industries is one of my current textbooks. It’s one of those books that anyone doing freelancing should buy and work their way through. I won’t be passing it on when I’ve finished with it, this will be one textbook finding space on my increasingly crowded bookshelves.

Verandah Volume Nine is a magazine filled with wonderful fiction. I submitted my third short story to them a couple of weeks ago. I’ve not heard back so I suspect it’s been rejected. It’ll be a short story for my bottom drawer to be reworked some time in the future when my emotions aren’t as tangled about it.

The Link

I pulled these off the pile of books on my desk last week. I’m sort of swamped and couldn’t be bothered standing up to look on my shelf. I had no idea how I’d find a link or if there would be one. But there is a rather tenuous link. So tenuous I’m using more words to put off typing it up.

The link is Deakin University. Freelancing in the Creative Industries is a textbook used in my course at uni, I mentioned this earlier. Verandah is a magazine produced in conjunction with the Toorak Association of Students, Deakin University and partly funded by the School of Literature and Journalism, Deakin University.

Next Week!

Next week we have some interesting books. Scary! 2 edited by Peter Haining and Tangram: The ancient Chinese shapes game by Joost Elffers. No ideas, don’t even think about asking. This might be the pair of books that completely stumps me and I have to make it up.

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