Mark – Guest Blogger

Suzie Eisfelder

Well, tonight I get the pleasure of introducing tomorrow’s post.

I first met Mark in 2004 when I joined the Australian Discworld Convention Disorganising Committee. I was bored and looking for something new and different to do so I joined the committee. Mark was a Committee member for the first Convention and took over the role of Director for the second Convention, he appointed me his Vice which meant many conversations and I hope we will remain friends for a long time.

Like me, he is very interested in books and when our discussion strayed onto the topic of blogs I had no hesitation in asking him to write for me. Despite being much younger than me he seems to have read many of the books I value from my childhood. I asked him to choose an author he values a lot and so he chose Sara Douglass. This is good for me as she’s an author I’ve never read and therefore it’s good for you as you get to view the author through the eyes of someone who loves her work dearly.

Should you be inspired and wish to join the committee or just attend the next Australian Discworld Convention you should visit here as full details will be posted.

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