I’ve been emailing bookshops requesting photos of their shops and their stock for inclusion in this column. Neighbourhood Books were very happy to let me use photos from their Instagram account. They have some pretty gorgeous photos there, I’ve learned a bit about framing bookshelves looking at these. Whether I’ll put my learning into action remains to be seen.
What I liked about the last photo is that it shows freshness and light. Not to mention that display of orange pocket Penguin books. It all looks very tempting. And while I really want to be tempted I’m trying to be good and actually use this time to catch up on part of my To Be Read Pile.
This stack of artfully arranged packages made me stop and just look for a while. I thought it a gorgeous stack. Just think of all those people receiving those parcels and ooohing and aaahing over their parcels. I do like how they have the shop logo stamped in different places on the brown paper. Also, the brown paper is easily recyclable or reusable, a nice touch I thought.
It’s really hard to get a photo of the window of a shop. I’ve tried on far too many occasions. Unless you get it at the right time and with the right angle you end up with reflections. I’ve a lot of photos of shop windows where I’ve waited until the person, carefully walking out of shot behind me, moves so I can take a shot of the window without their reflection.
Visit their website to order.
Whether you’re a bookseller or a reader I’m happy to feature your bookshop, or your favourite bookshop on Friday Photos. Please take a photo of the outside and three or four photos of displays within the shop. Go to the Submit a Book page and email me the photos along with a few words about your shop. Answer a question to help me write a few words: What is your favourite thing about this shop? (Can be multiple things)