This is one of my favourite Dymocks. These photos were provided for me by a staff member who I know well. This shop has always been really good to the Discworld community in Melbourne. There have been a couple of events hosted by Dymocks; in the corner of my office I have some graffiti posters that were created specially for one event. These were for the launch of the last book, The Shepherd’s Crown, so that people could sign them and leave messages of thanks to Terry Pratchett who was recently deceased. It was a very emotional time and we all cried and laughed, as one does when it’s Terry Pratchett.

Dymocks, Collins Street is located in the vaults of the building. Not really vaults, but I love the word. Essentially, you have to go down the escalators to get into the shop. It’s a great feeling, I’m always very excited.
These photos are taken from the balcony upstairs. The Balcony goes around part of Dymocks and has other shops on the outside. Dymocks continues underneath these shops.
This shows you coming down the escalator. I have actually considered taking a video as I come down into the shop, but that has always felt rather silly. Doesn’t feel so silly now.
You can find them at 234 Collins Street, Melbourne. Follow their Facebook page if you wish. You can find more details on their webpage. You can always find a bit of fun on their Twitter account.