1st Birthday

Suzie Eisfelder

When I first started writing this blog it was purely for myself because I had to write. I was under no illusions that anyone else would want to read my blog and made no efforts to tell lots of people about it. I did tell a couple of people but I still have many family and friends who don’t know I write and some who know I write but don’t know where to find me. I had no idea how long I’d be writing for and knew I wouldn’t be able to write every day. I was totally thrown aback to find I had readers two hours after publishing my first article. I have no idea if they’ve been back but I had two people visit my very first article within two hours and I was stoked.

At one stage I was attending some business classes and one of our lessons was all about what we should put in our newsletters and blogs. By the end of the lesson I had a few ideas written down and I went home, mentioned it to my eldest whose brain promptly went into overdrive. I started typing everything up and eventually gave up as I can’t type as fast as she can speak; I surrendered my computer to her and at the end had 12 pages of thoughts for newsletters and blogs. I have to admit to having used very few of them as I seem to have an endless stream of ideas thanks to people on Twitter and I fill in some of the gaps with my thoughts on books I’ve read.

Fast forward to now and the first anniversary of my first article is coming up next Thursday. It’s a very exciting time and I’ve been looking forward to having a sale on my website and I think the time has come to do exactly that. I’ll try and list a few more books first as I was hoping to get to 1,000+ books before having a sale but sometime before Thursday of next week i.e. 22nd April, I will launch the sale. I’ve never tried doing a sale on the website so the first person to prove it works will receive free postage across Australia for their order. If you happen to live outside of Australia then I’ll reduce the postage by $AUS10.

Thank you to my readers, thank you to those who’ve posted comments and also to those who have thought about what I’ve written. It’s going to be onwards and upwards for the forthcoming year!

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